Huntaway is originated from New Zealand but Beauceron is originated from France. Both Huntaway and Beauceron are having almost same height. Both Huntaway and Beauceron are having almost same weight. Both Huntaway and Beauceron has same life span. Both Huntaway and Beauceron has same litter size. Both Huntaway and Beauceron requires Low maintenance.
The Huntaway or New Zealand Huntaway is a herding dog that originated in the New Zealand sheep country. Their main purpose is to drive sheep and they are not an old breed. They were developed late in the 19th century for their working skills. The only real criteria was that they were black and tan. A dog must win a trial in order to be placed in the New Zealand Sheep Dog Trial Association studbook. They drive sheep mainly through their deep, loud voice.
In the New Zealand high country there was a need for a working dog with stamina, agility and intelligence to work the sheep as a drover (herder). The dog had to be able to handle rough, steep land and work with very large groups of sheep. The sheer area of land that the sheep graze and the dog would have to cover, demanded that this dog have stamina and strength to cover large pasture land and work for days if necessary. Before this the shepherds had used British sheepdogs but they preferred dogs that barked while working. So they bred the British Sheepdogs with Collies, Border Collies, Labrador, Rottweiler, Doberman and other barking sheepdogs to create the Huntaway. In addition to the bark, they bred for stamina and size.
They were participating in field trails in 1870 and ads for them were seen in newspapers by 1884. They became a separate breed in the 20th century. Today they are spreading around the world and are becoming very popular. It is not recommended that they be kept as pets however, since they are true working dogs.
Sometimes referred to as the king of sheepdogs, the Beauceron is a French dog breed that happens to be an extraordinary herding dog too. He instinctively rounds up livestock without even being trained to do so. The dog is also known as Berger de Beauce, originating from the Beauce region in France and is closely related to the Briard or Berger de Brie.
This French breed’s origin goes back to the late 16th century, and the Beauceron was divided into two working types way back in 1863 - the dog with the long coat was known as Berger de Brie or Briard while the short-coated dog became known as Beauceron. It was in 1922 that a club for this dog breed was established, and the Beauceron Club of America was established in 1980, only recently receiving recognition by the American Kennel Club.
The Huntaway is a large dog with a deep chest and a black and tan coat. They are strong, big and muscular with voices to match. They herd, head, work the sheep in pastures and force them into pens. They are bred to have that big authoritative, deep bark. They do not yap. Their bodies are well proportioned but longer than high. They have well - padded feet and a deep chest for stamina, along with strong legs and body that allows them to run fast and change directions at will.
The tail of a Huntaway if long, while their heads are shaped like blocks while the muzzle is long and the nose is black. They have dark, round eyes and long ears. An unusually attractive dog, they have dense fur with fringe on the tail and chest. There is characteristics a very large variety in the in the way the breed looks from one dog to the next. Thus they do not participate in confirmation events, as the standard is based on working characteristics rather than appearance guidelines. They are more a “class” than a “breed”.
The Beauceron is an intelligent dog, just by looking at the alert, bright face. He is a muscular, large dog breed, standing up to 71cm in height and weighing in at up to 50kg. You’ll recognize him with his dark black coat with red markings, particularly around the feet, which interestingly gives this breed the French nickname Bas Rouge. It means red stockings. Harlequin, tri-coloured grey, black and tan is also recognized as a color.
The coat is rough, short and dense, the alert eyes dark brown and the ears are set high and can be cropped or natural. The natural ears are half pricked or drop ears and are fairly short. Looking similar to the Doberman and Rottweiler but with a long tail, this French Shepherd dog is somewhat slimmer but with a foreboding appearance. He is solid, well proportioned and well muscled and gives the impression of strength. He has a tolerant nature and will fit in well with a family when trained and socialized.
They are very good with children and love to play with them.
Stamina, speed and independence
Not really. Don’t do well in small spaces. Better off in the country.
Very intelligent, quick learner, loves learning new things.
Strong, big, confident and good-looking the Beauceron makes an excellent watchdog, guarding the human family that he is so devoted too. He is a good friend and companion and is tolerant with children and other pets.
He is such a clever breed too, and its small wonder that he has always been sought after for hard work – herding, shepherding and even rescue work. When he’s not involved in working, at home, he’s just your big, devoted friend.
The Huntaway is a pretty healthy breed, developed as it was from the sheepdogs and collies. They still face some inherited issues such as:
It’s such a nice strong, good-looking dog this, you can’t think of anything going wrong with him. His lifespan is anything from 10 to 14 years and the dog is pretty robust. Being a large breed and a pedigree, he is prone to some common ailments. When you suspect your beloved pet has any health issue, don’t hesitate to get him to the vet.
A painful disorder that affects larger dogs and brought about by an abnormal development in the joints.
Also a painful condition where the stomach twists so that the blood supply is cut off. Large breeds with deep chests are more prone to developing the condition. Rapid breathing and signs of pain can be indicative of this ailment.
If you are not using your Huntaway to herd, then feed a medium formula not a high protein, high calorie formula. Feed 3-4 times a day and 1-2 cups.
3 cups per day feeding twice a day high quality medium calorie food.
Exceptional stamina
This herding breed has a great need of mental and physical stimulation. They were born to herd and to do so over vast tracts of land in challenging conditions. They need to be challenged. They need daily exercise at a very high level. A Run them every day or take them on a couple of long walks. They will excel in field trials, Barnhunt, agility and rescue. They love to learn.
This is a large, hard-working, energetic dog and he will need high-quality food, whether commercially manufactured or home-prepared. The best commercially manufactured dog foods produce foods with the right balance of minerals and vitamins in keeping with your dog’s age, his activities and his stage of life (illness, senior, puppy). If you’re unsure about what to feed your Beauceron, speak to your vet to be 100% that you are meeting his nutritional demands, and always ensure a bowl of cool, clean water is constantly available.
You’re lucky with the Beauceron as he is a low shedding, low maintenance dog with his short coat. He doesn’t require any trimming but will need a good brush twice a week to rid him of loose hairs. Clean his teeth with a special dog toothbrush and toothpaste to avoid plaque buildup. Never use human toothpaste. Clip his nails if he doesn’t wear them down naturally.
This is a big, strong, energetic dog, and you owe it to him to ensure he gets lots of exercise – runs, walks and ball games. If you can’t be a responsible dog owner, don’t own a breed like this as he can become destructive if not kept active.