Kars Dog vs American Mastiff - Breed Comparison | MyDogBreeds

Kars Dog vs American Mastiff - Breed ComparisonKars Dog is originated from Turkey but American Mastiff is originated from United States. Both Kars Dog and American Mastiff are having almost same height. Kars Dog may weigh 10 kg / 22 pounds lesser than American Mastiff. Both Kars Dog and American Mastiff has same life span. Kars Dog may have more litter size than American Mastiff. Kars Dog requires Moderate maintenance. But American Mastiff requires Low maintenance


kars dog - historyThe Kars Dog is found in Turkey, hailing more specifically from the Kars province, after which it is named. He actually has a long history of at least 600 years.

Referred to as a Molosser, the dog is still used to this day for shepherding livestock. There are many varieties and sizes of the dog, with the most common Kars type being similar to the Nagazi variant of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

american mastiff - historyThe history of the American Mastiff is entirely tied to the old European Mastiffs but in particular the English Mastiff. The developers of the American Mastiff crossed the English Mastiff with the Anatolian Mastiff at the Ohio kennel, Flying W Farms. The founder of this breed is Fredricka Wagner. Because of this the English Mastiff and the American Mastiff look very much alike. The difference between the two is that the American Mastiff was bred to have less health concerns than the English Mastiff and without the drooling. In 2000 the CKC acknowledged that the American Mastiff and the English Mastiff were separate breeds.

Basic Information

Working dog
Molosser dogs
United States
Height Male:
60 - 90 cm
23 - 36 inches
65 - 91 cm
25 - 36 inches
Height Female:
60 - 90 cm
23 - 36 inches
65 - 89 cm
25 - 36 inches
Weight Male:
60 - 80 kg
132 - 177 pounds
72 - 90 kg
158 - 199 pounds
Weight Female:
60 - 80 kg
132 - 177 pounds
63 - 81 kg
138 - 179 pounds
Life Span:
10 - 12 Years
10 - 12 Years
Litter Size:
5 - 10
2 - 5
Giant dog
Giant dog
Other Names:
Kars Turkish Shepherd, Caucasian
AM Mastiff
Colors Available:
Reddish brown, grey, black - mixed colors
Fawn, Apricot, Brindle
short or long-haired variety
Smooth, shorthair
Affectionate, Aggressive, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Territorial
Affectionate, Friendly, Intelligent, Loving, Loyal, Protective, Quiet
Moderate maintenance
Low maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


kars dog puppy - descriptionLarge and heavy, the Kars Dog is strong, with a large head and broad chest. The height of the dog at the withers is 60 to 90cm and he weighs in at roughly 60 - 80kg.

At one time the ears were cropped but they are left these days and then they are of medium length and floppy. The coat varies too in terms of length and color - short to longer variety coats. The coat can be a solid color or it can have patterns. You’ll find reddish brown dogs, grey and black dogs as well as dogs with a mix of colors.


The Kars is an aggressive, territorial dog, but with the correct training, socialization and upbringing, it can be a loving, amicable family pet.

Known also as the Kars Turkish Shepherd or Kars shepherd, he makes an ideal guarding dog as he is brave and devoted to those he is protecting. He is cautious and even unfriendly towards people he doesn’t know, and it is thought that because of his robustness, it might not be a good idea to leave him unsupervised with small children.

Nonetheless with training and socialization, the Kars is capable of being a super pet for all members of the family. Training him won’t be that easy as he is large and strong-willed, but the training will provide him with some basic good manners.

He will require a firm, confident owner and will require living in a home with a big garden or in the countryside as he requires a good amount of exercise.

american mastiff puppy - descriptionThis crossing of the English Mastiff and the Anatolian Mastiff resulted in a Mastiff with a much drier, less drooling mouth than the other Mastiffs. This is a giant, massive dog – powerful and muscular. With a wide head that is rectangular rather than square. Their eyes are dark amber, and their ears are high on their head and rounded. With a medium size muzzle, black mask and heavy head, the American Mastiff is a handsome dog.

Their chest is broad, deep with ribs that extended backward. He has strong legs that are parallel and wide set. He also has a long tail. Puppies of the American Mastiff are born almost black and as they grow their coat color lightens. In addition, it is important that they have a wrinkled forehead as well and a scissors bite is preferred.


kars dog dog - characteristicsThe Kars is a large dog and because of his past where he used to guard livestock, he is a dog used to wide open spaces. He will require a home with a good sized garden and a family who exercises him frequently.

With the right kind of care, the Kars is able to strongly bond with his human family, taking his role as guardian and protector very well. He is alert and smart and that is why he will need training and socialization and a firm, fair human owner. He will then become a loving, devoted companion.

american mastiff dog - characteristicsA love of children and devotion to his pack (family) is bred into the American Mastiff. He is non-aggressive unless you threaten his family or his children. Then he becomes courageous, protective and defensive. This is a gentle giant most of the time, however due to size and the need for strong leadership, the American Mastiff should be socialized and trained early. If they are socialized and trained they will be calm, gentle dogs. They will remain protective and alert, but they will be friendly with strangers. They love to please their people and being highly intelligent they learn fast.

Health Problems

kars dog puppies - health problemsThe Kars is generally healthy and long-lived, being able to reach 12 years of age with ease if cared for properly. Every dog, even the most healthiest ones, will have some health issues, and with a large dog like this, it is hip dysplasia, obesity, cancer and heart problems.

Heart Problems:

Coughing is a symptom of different illnesses, with one of them being heart disease. If your dog is still coughing after several days, its time to see the vet.

When your dog hasn’t exercised, you’ll see him battling to breathe or the breathing will be rapid. He’ll be reluctant to walk and play too and may be disinterested in his food. Edema, the swelling of body tissues is also a sign of heart disease.

american mastiff puppies - health problemsAmerican Mastiffs seem to have fewer health issues than other larger giant breed dogs. However, they can experience allergies as many large, wrinkled dogs do. They also might have a tendency toward eye issues, hip dysplasia, cancer and heart disease. Bloat might be the most life-threatening issue many American Mastiffs experience.

Caring The Pet

kars dog dogs - caringYour Kars dog can be a wonderful addition to your home, but you need to know how to care for a big dog before you get carried away and add a large puppy breed to your family.

Too many people buy a cute bundle of fur and get rid of it when he is no longer a cute puppy. Before you bring a giant breed dog into your home, take note of some useful tips to keep him in tip top condition -


If you bring a puppy home, he’ll need to be fed 4 times a day with special puppy food. There are excellent commercially manufactured puppy foods on the market and you will need to get the one that caters for ‘large- or giant puppy breeds’, as the Kars is a very big dog.

As your dog reaches adulthood you’ll feed him less. If in any doubt as to the kind of food to give your dog to maintain good health, speak to your vet.


Every dog will need exercise to keep him trim and fit but to also stimulate their minds. Providing your Kars dog with exercise such as walks and ball games will also ensure he doesn’t become bored.

General Care:

Your pet will need a nice quiet, warm, dry place to sleep and rest. If he is an outdoor dog during the day, make sure that he has a place to rest in the shade. Make sure he has a non-stop supply of fresh, cool water too that is placed in a cool, reachable spot.


Your large pet is an average shedder and to keep his thick coat in tip top condition, you want to be sure to brush him at least twice a week.

american mastiff dogs - caringGiant breeds like the American Mastiff are known for growing rapidly as a puppy and therefore proper feeding and nutrition is essential. The slower your American Mastiff grows, the better. Make sure your puppies get enough phosphorous and calcium in their high calorie diet. Free feeding is not recommended. Feed puppies up to 4 small meals per day and feed adults twice a day.

Health issues

As previously mentioned this breed is a fairly healthy one, There, are however, certain evaluations you should do with your American Mastiff puppy to be sure she is in good health. These tests would include an elbow and hip evaluation to check for dysplasia. He should have an ophthalmologist and cardiologist examine him as well. Most American Mastiffs will not have any problems, but these evaluations will help to prepare you if they do. The wrinkles in your dogs; face, around the eyes and muzzle must be kept clean as they can become infected if you don’t.

Exercise and games

Unlike the way he looks, the American Mastiff is not a couch potato, but neither are they a high energy, exercise machine. They do well living in apartments or homes, with or without a fenced in yard. They need a long walk every day. They need mental stimulation through exercise and games. Make sure they learn to love to play so that they don’t become lazy as they age.

Comparison with other breeds

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