Moscow Water Dog is originated from Russia but Boerboel is originated from South Africa. Moscow Water Dog may grow 6 cm / 3 inches higher than Boerboel. Moscow Water Dog may weigh 35 kg / 77 pounds lesser than Boerboel. Both Moscow Water Dog and Boerboel has same life span. Both Moscow Water Dog and Boerboel has almost same litter size. Moscow Water Dog requires Moderate maintenance. But Boerboel requires Low maintenance
The Moscow Water Dog was developed in the Soviet Union around the same time as other classic Soviet dogs. The Moscow Watchdog and the Black Russian Terrier are a couple of these other dogs. The Water Dog came from crossing the Caucasian Oytcharka with the Newfoundland. The breed is known by many names including the Vodolaz which means “diver of deep Water”. The Moscow Water Dog was only bred in the Russian state’s Red Star Kennels as working dogs for the military.
Following the second World War, most of the working dogs had been destroyed during the war. Not enough dogs could be imported to begin a breeding program for any working breed. So, the Soviet Red Star Kennels began to create several working breeds. Included in this group with the Moscow Water Dog, were the Moscow Newfoundland, the Moscow Great Dane, the Black Russian Terrier, and the Brudasty Hound.
The only really successful breed coming from this program is the Russian Black Terrier. All the rest are either extinct or found only in Russia today. The Moscow Water Dog was supposed to be a life saver/water rescue dog, but the dogs they developed were too aggressive, and the program was scrapped. It seemed that the cross had bred a dog that had too much of the working water dog traits and not enough of the rescue dog traits. The military breeders tried to pass the dogs off as a Russian Newfoundland and sell it to the non-military.
These non-military owners of the few “Russian Newfoundland”, did not try to change the dogs through breeding. Instead over time they bred the Russian Newfoundland with pure bred Newfoundlands almost eliminating the “Russian” portion of the breed. By the early 1980’s the stock had been so diluted with the pure Newfoundland that the Russian Newfoundland was basically extinct.
The Red Army kennel had other breeds with some of the genes of this breed in their lines. This included the Brudasty Hound, the Moscow Great Dane, the Caucasian Oycharka, the Moscow Watchdog and the Russian Black Terrier. The Russian Navy was unhappy with the situation and never again let the army developed the Navy’s waterdog.
The name ‘Boerboel’ is derived from an Afrikaans/Dutch word, and the large Boerboel dog from South Africa has been specifically bred to be a farmer’s dog. Bred also to be a strong guard dog, the Boerboel is a mix of different African and European breeds, which in all likelihood, will include the Bullmastiff, the Rhodesian Ridgeback and the Bulldog. These dogs were used to hunt baboon and leopard.
There is some information that suggests that the Boerboel was brought to South Africa by Jan van Riebeeck in 1652. Other information suggest that the dog is a descendant of the old Boer Hund, a powerful animal which was invaluable to the farmer.
In was in January 2010, that the American Boerboel Club was elected as the AKC’s Parent Club. The Boerboel was accepted into the Miscellaneous Class in the Working dog group.
The Moscow Water Dog was intelligent, vigilant, an excellent swimmer, and great in artic waters. However, he was too aggressive and instead of saving the swimmer, they would attack them. The Moscow Water Dog is a tall, balanced and powerful dog. They have a wide muzzle and a square head like the Newfoundland. Their eyes are dark and small while the ears are triangular. The nose and lips are black. He has webbed feet of course and a hanging tail.
The coat on the Moscow Water Dog was of course waterproof and double. The top coat is very dense, straight and soft. It is usually a dark brown with some black and white.
The Boerboel is a big, strong dog with powerful muscles. His height is between 61 – 66cm. He is similar looking to the Boxer dog, just heavier and bigger. The head of the dog is broad and big and the short, smooth coat can be of various shades, with breeders trying to achieve a single color of light tan and with no white. Their coats can also be red, different shades of brown and brindle.
The dog has a black facial mask and the eyes are brown with the ears being of medium length and floppy. The Boerboel’s tail has always been docked, but today breeders are keeping the tail long. Many Boerboel lovers object to this, saying it detracts from the distinctive look of the Boerboel.
The Boerboel can be a wonderfully loyal and loving pet to their owners. They are territorial dogs and suspicious of strangers. This is a dog where it is imperative that they receive training and socialization as a puppy. They have leanings towards being aggressive so they wouldn’t be recommended to first time dog owners, unless of course the first time owners are firm and strong.
Boerboels raised the right way can be gentle giants. They often get bad publicity as regards to aggression, but this is because of they way they have been raised. Boerboels have been bred to be tough and fearless and they make excellent watchdogs. When raised and trained correctly, they make awesome, devoted companions, even around children and other pets.
Swimming and stamina
Yes but needed some land. Better in countryside.
This is an intelligent dog, but he could not be trained out of his aggressiveness.
A well trained, socialized Boerboel makes a splendid pet. This is one breed known to have excellent guard- and watch dog characteristics. Boerboels are known for being protective when necessary. When not on guard, they make wonderful pets. He’ll need plenty of exercise, but he loves to also spend time indoors with his human family.
This a a bold, fearless dog who becomes devoted to his family. With the right training he is obedient and affectionate and knows how to behave appropriately indoors- and outdoors. For such a big dog, the African Boeboel’s temperament can be surprisingly gentle and affectionate around the family that he loves.
Because the breed was around for such a short period there is not a lot of documentation or information regarding genetic or propensity health issues. There are however a few issues that just his heritage and Newfoundland blood would lend itself to.
Many health problems experienced with any dog are found in the way dogs are fed, the way they are exercised and the way they are attended to when they are ill. Boerboels are healthy dogs and suffer fewer health defects than most similar breeds. The average life expectancy of a Boerboel is about 10 to 12 years. There are one or two health issues you’ll want to watch out for with your Boerboel.
This aliment is typically found in large breed dogs. It’s a problem caused by a malformation of the hip joint. Over time hip dysplasia causes discomfort, pain and even arthritis and lameness. It is genetically inherited, with its severity being influenced by environmental factors. There are treatments available to alleviate the symptoms and make the dog more comfortable.
The Boerboel has plenty of muscle mass, and because he is such a large dog with a big appetite, he can lean towards obesity. Plenty of activities will be imperative to maintain muscle mass and ward off obesity. Over-eating suppresses the immune system, so over-feeding your dog simply contributes to ill health.
Required high quality food made specifically for large or giant puppies. Feed 3-4 times a day a total of 21/2 -3 cups.
Required high quality food made for large or giant dog breeds. Feed twice a day a total of 2 cups.
The Moscow Water Dog did not need a high level of exercise, but they did have a lot of stamina. They loved to swim. Not overly active – more of a couch potato.
Boerboels are a robust breed and their short hair doesn’t shed heavily. Your Boerbul will require a thorough brushing twice a week to remove loose hair and to keep the coat shiny and healthy.
Boerboels, just like any other dog, should have their teeth brushed regularly to prevent tartar and plaque build-up. Left unattended, your pet can battle with tooth decay and gum disease.
Your Boerboel puppy will need ‘large breed puppy’ dog food. Speak to your veterinarian about wet- or dry kibble choices. An adult Boerboel will certainly need raw meat in his diet. When you do research, you find that the best Boerboel breeders are advocates for raw feeding. Home made food with rice, vegetables and meat as well as the best quality commercially manufactured dog foods for large breeds are excellent choices but raw meat is imperative as part of every dog’s diet.