Fox Terrier (Smooth) vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison

Fox Terrier (Smooth) vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed ComparisonFox Terrier (Smooth) is originated from United Kingdom but American Pit Bull Terrier is originated from United States. Fox Terrier (Smooth) may grow 15 cm / 5 inches shorter than American Pit Bull Terrier. Fox Terrier (Smooth) may weigh 21 kg / 46 pounds lesser than American Pit Bull Terrier. Both Fox Terrier (Smooth) and American Pit Bull Terrier has same life span. Both Fox Terrier (Smooth) and American Pit Bull Terrier has almost same litter size. Fox Terrier (Smooth) requires Moderate maintenance. But American Pit Bull Terrier requires Low maintenance


fox terrier smooth - historyThe Smooth Fox Terrier is one of two Fox Terrier breeds, the other being the Wirehaired Fox Terrier. Fox Terriers are believed to be one of the oldest terrier breeds and the ancestor of many terriers who came after. The Fox Terrier was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1885 and the smooth Fox Terrier as a separate breed 100 years later in 1985. Some clubs still consider the two types of Fox Terriers as the same breed. The standard for smooth Fox Terrier was written in 1876 but not accepted until 1985.

Both breeds of Fox Terriers are thought to originate in the late 1800’s descended from various British Terriers, the beagle, the dachshund and the Fox Hound. The Smooth Fox Terrier has a base coat that is white. The hunters bred them this way, so they would not mistake them for the fox during the hunt. They have also been very successful in prestigious dog shows including Crufts in England and New York Westminster in the United States.

They are not that popular today unless you are hunting and showing them in Confirmation Competitions. However, the Smooth Fox Terrier is significant because of all the terriers that consider it their direct ancestor. This would include the Jack Russel, the Rat Terrier and the Miniature Fox Terrier.

american pit bull terrier - historyThe history of the American Pit Bull Terrier might be a confusing one to some dog lovers and certainly to the general public that tends to lump all the “bully” breeds into a category called “pit bull”. This is because of the negative reputation this group of breeds has acquired over the past 30-50 years due to misuse and mis-breeding by the dog fighting industry. This categorization includes the American Pit Bull Terrier, The American Staffordshire Terrier, the Bull Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

There is major confusion and disagreement on the difference between the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier. The AKC does not recognize the American Pit Bull Terrier as a separate breed, but its founder and the UKC, ADBA do so. In the 1930’s the American Pit Bull Terrier was a recognized breed and in response to the negativity of pit-fighting, they renamed it as the American Staffordshire Terrier.

The American Pit Bull Terrier was developed to be a little larger in size than the Staffordshire in both height and weight. This breed comes from crossing various Bull and Terrier breed to get a working dog. The Amstaff for the most part is bred to be a show dog and is not usually a “street dog” used in dog fighting rings. The direct ancestors of the APBT are the Old English Bulldogs and the Old English Terriers. These dogs are great family dogs, gentle beyond comparison unless raised to fight. They make great therapy dogs as well as police dogs. They are not by nature cruel, aggressive or attack dogs.

Both professional confirmation breeders and street fight breeds have developed new strains of the American Pit Bull Terrier. A few are worth mentioning here.

Old Family Red Nose

One of the oldest strains of the American Pit Bull Terrier they are red in color and that red is a very unique tone. They have a copper colored coat and nose with red nails, red lips and amber or red eyes. These dogs were originally from Ireland and when they came to America they had the red nose. Originally bred for gameness, it is the red color that is sought after now.

Colby Pit Bulls

These are another old breed, but they have black noses and were initially bred by John P. Colby in the late 1800s. These dogs were known to be indominable fighting dogs and were bred into almost every line of American Pit Bull Terriers that exist today. The line is still maintained by the Colby family.

Basic Information

Terrier dog
Terrier dog
United Kingdom
United States
Height Male:
36 - 41 cm
14 - 17 inches
43 - 56 cm
16 - 23 inches
Height Female:
33 - 38 cm
12 - 15 inches
40 - 53 cm
15 - 21 inches
Weight Male:
7 - 9 kg
15 - 20 pounds
16 - 30 kg
35 - 67 pounds
Weight Female:
6 - 8 kg
13 - 18 pounds
14 - 27 kg
30 - 60 pounds
Life Span:
12 - 15 Years
8 - 15 Years
Litter Size:
6 - 8
5 - 10
Medium dog
Medium dog
Other Names:
Smooths Fox Terrier Smooth Coat, Foxy, SFT
Staffordshire Fighting Dog, Pit Terrier, Pitbull, Pit, Half and Half, Bull Baiter Dogs, Old Family Dog - the Irish name, Yankee Terrier - the Northern name, Rebel Terrier - the Southern name
Colors Available:
white with brown, black, tan or ginger markings
Red, Black, Fawn or Bucksjin
dense, flat
Smooth, Shiny, Short, Single layer
Alert, Courageous, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Intelligent, Lively, Loyal, Playful, Social, Stubborn
Affectionate, Courageous, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Intelligent, Loving, Loyal, Playful, Stubborn
Moderate maintenance
Low maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


fox terrier smooth puppy - descriptionThe Smooth Fox Terrier is distinguished from the Wirehaired and other terriers by his V-shaped head and white based coat. The coat can have tan, black and black and tan marks on the white coat. The Smooth Fox Terrier is sturdy, strong, sleek and symmetrical. The breed has a short back, and proportioned legs. The Smooth Fox Terrier has a flat skull and tapered muzzle. The nose is black, and the eyes are dark. He has v-shaped ears and a docked tail. Docking is no longer legal throughout the United Kingdom.

american pit bull terrier puppy - descriptionTrue to their reputation as fighters, the American Pit Bull Terrier looks like one – powerful, strong and well built. This belies their gentle disposition but too often they are judged by their looks. With a broad, brick shaped head, thick neck and deep chest, they are stocky, muscular and agile. They usually have cropped ears, but the tails are not docked. Their legs are strong and hindquarters especially muscular. These dogs are much stronger than they look. Round soulful eyes are one of the traits that people who keep these dogs as companion animals love about them. They have a scissor bite and one of the strongest jaws of all domesticated canines.



fox terrier smooth dog - characteristicsChildren friendliness They shouldn’t be trusted with young children but if raised with older children ok

Special talents

They are good at performing tricks, Search and rescue, narcotics detection, tracking, and disability assistance.


Fox Terrier is adaptable and can live anywhere. He is not a big dog but remember he is very high energy.

Learning ability

They have very good learning ability and are very intelligent but can be stubborn

american pit bull terrier dog - characteristicsFor those who live with the American Pit Bull Terrier there is no better dog. The APBT loves people and loves children. They think they are lap dogs, and they certainly are watch dogs. They love their people but their barks at strangers at home are not because they are protecting their people but rather they are greeting the strangers into their home. Unfortunately, they will not greet another dog in the same way. However, when their people are seriously threatened they will give their lives to defend them.

These are strong, confident dogs who want to please their people. They love children and make great family dogs but require a strong owner and a strong pack leader. The need to be under control around other dogs and because of their strength, need a strong owner. It is their aggression towards other animals that must be controlled.

Health Problems

fox terrier smooth puppies - health problemsOne of the major problems for the Smooth Fox Terrier that the Wirehaired does not face is the potential for deafness. This is an issue in dogs that are mostly white in color. Other concerns that he does share with the Wirehaired Terrier are:

  1. Distichiasis
  2. Eye lash in an abnormal place causing pain
  3. Legg-Perthes Disease
  4. Causes a very serious muscle loss in the dog’s legs
  5. Shoulder Dislocation
  6. Causes pain and arthritis
  7. Post-nasal Drip
  8. Just annoying
  9. Mast Cell Tumor
  10. Cancer – could be fatal
  11. Myasthenia Gravis

Causes muscle weakness and problems swallowing.

american pit bull terrier puppies - health problemsThough the American Pit Bull Terrier is healthier than most large dogs, they do have an issue with hip dysplasia. Breeders have been working to breed this out of the APBT and their work in this area has helped with the other issues with the patella, heart and thyroid. The APBT can have skin allergies and Demodex Mange. This condition can be either deadly or just a localized skin issue. Immunizations and testing is essential for this breed. When not immunized, American Pit Bull Terrier puppies have a greater incidence of parvovirus than other breeds. They also might have cataracts and congenital heart disease.

Caring The Pet

Feeding the puppy

fox terrier smooth dogs - caringFeed 2-3 meals per day and divide 1/8-1/4 cup

Feeding the adult

Feed two meals per day and divide ½ cup

Points for Good Health

hearing and vision

Games and Exercises

The Smooth Fox Terrier is an athlete requiring a lot of exercise. Take him on long walks and play with him in a large fenced yard. Don’t coup him up in the house. Be careful not to exercise him off leash as he will chase anything that moves and will not come when called. They need mental stimulation as well as physical. They are good at hunting, agility, tracking, performing tricks and being a watchdog.


american pit bull terrier dogs - caringHow you feed your American Pit Bull Terrier puppy is important to her health as an adult and long life. The adult dog should be fed one and a half to two and a half cups of high quality food twice a day. Puppies should be fed more often as they grow. DO not feed your APBT soft or canned dog food. Their food should be dry. Be careful not to feed too much as you do not want an obese American Pit Bull Terrier.

Health issues

As previously mentioned this is a healthy breed with problems with:


These are usually inherited, and the pup may show signs early, or they could be developed later in life. They can be removed.

Hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia as in many larger, stronger breeds this can be a major problem. Breeds should test for it and APBT breeders are attempting to breed it out of the APBT.

Congenital Heart Failure

This is a congenital issue that breeders are also breeding against and if they have it your American Bit Bull Terrier was likely born with it.


Many APBT are allergic to grasses or out outside allergens. Shots or medication can deal with these.

Exercise and games

This is an athletic, joyful breed that loves to play, love sports and loves any activity that bonds it with its family. Some of the many sports the American Pit Bull Terrier likes to participate in include: agility, obedience competition, weight pulling, lure coursing and fly ball. He also needs backyard exercise and daily walks.

When walking your American Pit Bull Terrier, make sure she is on a leash as the breed has a tendency to be aggressive with other dogs coming into their space. The APBT loves to work. They are good therapy dogs, search and rescue dogs, even service dogs.

Comparison with other breeds

  1. American Pit Bull Terrier vs Airedale Terrier - Breed Comparison
  2. American Pit Bull Terrier vs Austrian Pinscher - Breed Comparison
  3. American Pit Bull Terrier vs Atlas Terrier - Breed Comparison
  4. Bull Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  5. Schnauzer vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  6. Fox Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  7. Bull and Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  8. Bedlington Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  9. Irish Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  10. Fox Terrier (Smooth) vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  11. Kerry Blue Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  12. Lakeland Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  13. Jagdterrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  14. Blue Paul Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  15. Indian Bull Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  16. Irish Bull Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  17. Japanese Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  18. Brazilian Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  19. Old English Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  20. Scoland Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  21. Skye Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  22. Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  23. Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  24. Staffordshire Bull Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  25. Welsh Terrier vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  26. Schnauzer vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  27. Irish Terrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  28. Fox Terrier (Smooth) vs Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  29. Fox Terrier (Smooth) vs Airedale Terrier - Breed Comparison
  30. Fox Terrier (Smooth) vs Fox Terrier - Breed Comparison
  31. Fox Terrier (Smooth) vs Bull and Terrier - Breed Comparison
  32. Fox Terrier (Smooth) vs Bedlington Terrier - Breed Comparison
  33. Fox Terrier (Smooth) vs Austrian Pinscher - Breed Comparison
  34. Fox Terrier (Smooth) vs Atlas Terrier - Breed Comparison
  35. Fox Terrier (Smooth) vs Blue Paul Terrier - Breed Comparison
  36. Fox Terrier (Smooth) vs Brazilian Terrier - Breed Comparison
  37. Kerry Blue Terrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  38. Lakeland Terrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  39. Jagdterrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  40. Indian Bull Terrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  41. Irish Bull Terrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  42. Japanese Terrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  43. Old English Terrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  44. Scoland Terrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  45. Skye Terrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  46. Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  47. Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  48. Staffordshire Bull Terrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison
  49. Welsh Terrier vs Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Breed Comparison

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