Hygenhund Dog Breed Information, Images, Characteristics, Health

History - Hygenhund for Sale

hygenhund - historyThe Hygenhund is a hound from Norway that was developed in the early 1800’s by the Norwegian breeder Hygen. It was developed for hunting small game such as fox, rabbit, hare or racoon. It is known for its endurance and ability to survive travel across vast artic land without fatigue. It was developed by crossing several Norwegian hounds with ones from England and Germany. This includes basset hounds, holsteiner hounds, beagles, Bloodhounds, Scandinavian hounds and English Pointers. The resulting Hygehound is a scent hound whose popularity fell in the 20th century. Most of the remaining dogs today are located in Norway. The Norwegian Kennel Club and the UKC have both recognized the breed yet its numbers remain low. Even at that the breed today remains a great hunting dog but it is also a great companion or family dog.

Basic Information - Hygenhund for Sale

Hound dog
Height Male:
48 - 61 cm18 - 25 inches
Height Female:
45 - 58 cm17 - 23 inches
Weight Male:
20 - 25 kg44 - 56 pounds
Weight Female:
15 - 20 kg33 - 45 pounds
Life Span:
10 - 15 Years
Litter Size:
6 - 8
Medium dog
Other Names:
Hygen Hound, Hygen Dog
Colors Available:
sometimes combined with white markings. , chestnut (with or without black shading) and black with bright chestnut colors, yellow and red
thick, shiny
Alert, Energetic, Independent, Intelligent, Loving, Loyal, Playful, Protective
Moderate maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:

Description - Hygenhund for Sale


hygenhund puppy - descriptionThe Hygenhund has a solid rectangular and compact body with muscular and compact legs and paws. Their heads are shaped like a triangle with dark eyes and a broad skull. The muzzle and neck are long and the topline is even. They carry their tail high, but they do not curl it over their back. They are a medium sized dog with short hair. They have an overabundance of energy and get bored easily. They can come in black with chestnut or white markings, yellow and red, chestnut without or with black markings.

Characteristics - Hygenhund for Sale

hygenhund dog - characteristics1. Children friendliness – The Hygenhund is very friendly to children and love to play with them.

Special talents

Stamina, intelligence and ability to endure cold climates.


Very adaptable in some ways – enduring cold climates for instance. However, they need a large yard or area to run in. They are not as adaptable in an apartment.

Learning ability

The Hygenhund is very intelligent and a quick learner. They love learning new things.

Health Problems - Hygenhund for Sale

The Hygenhund is prone to a variety of health problems including:

  • Kidney Stones/Chronic Kidney Infections
  • Food Allergies
  • Arthritis – can cause lameness
  • Bloat – can be fatal if not treated
  • Von Willebrands Disease
  • Anesthesia sensitivity
  • Hip Dysplasia – can result in lameness or arthritis

Caring The Pet - Hygenhund for Sale

Feeding the puppy

hygenhund dogs - caringSince the Hygenhund is such a high energy working dog feed a high quality food. Feed 3-4 times a day for a total of 2.3 cups.

Feeding the adult

Again this is a high energy dog. Feed a high protein good quality dog food twice a day for a total of 3-4 cups.

Points for Good Health

Good speed and stamina. Good in cold climates.

Games and Exercises

The Hygenhund needs plenty of exercise to dissipate all its working energy. They will excel at field trials, lure coursing, fly ball, tracking, and agility.

Comparison with other breeds

  1. Pharaoh Hound vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison
  2. Redbone Coonhound vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison
  3. Norwegian Elkhound vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison
  4. Santal Hound vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison
  5. Podenco Canario vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison
  6. Podenco Andaluz vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison
  7. Podenco Galego vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison
  8. Hygenhund vs Basset Hound - Breed Comparison
  9. Hygenhund vs Basenji - Breed Comparison
  10. Hygenhund vs Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla - Breed Comparison
  11. Hygenhund vs Afghan Hound - Breed Comparison
  12. Hygenhund vs Hungarian Vizsla - Breed Comparison
  13. Hygenhund vs Bluetick Coonhound - Breed Comparison
  14. Hygenhund vs Coonhound - Breed Comparison
  15. Hygenhund vs Bavarian Mountain Hound - Breed Comparison
  16. Hygenhund vs Basset Fauve de Bretagne - Breed Comparison
  17. Hygenhund vs Beagle-Harrier - Breed Comparison
  18. Hygenhund vs English Coonhound - Breed Comparison
  19. Hygenhund vs Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie - Breed Comparison
  20. Hygenhund vs Alpine Dachsbracke - Breed Comparison
  21. Hygenhund vs Basset Bleu de Gascogne - Breed Comparison
  22. Hygenhund vs Dunker - Breed Comparison
  23. Hygenhund vs Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen - Breed Comparison
  24. Hygenhund vs Chippiparai - Breed Comparison
  25. Hygenhund vs English Foxhound - Breed Comparison
  26. Hygenhund vs Estonian Hound - Breed Comparison
  27. Hygenhund vs Grand Griffon Vendeen - Breed Comparison
  28. Hygenhund vs Hamiltonstovare - Breed Comparison
  29. Hygenhund vs Beago - Breed Comparison
  30. Hygenhund vs Kanni - Breed Comparison
  31. Hygenhund vs Lithuanian Hound - Breed Comparison
  32. Hygenhund vs Hungarian Hound - Breed Comparison
  33. Hygenhund vs Chinese Chongqing Dog - Breed Comparison
  34. Hygenhund vs Combai - Breed Comparison
  35. Hygenhund vs Cretan Hound - Breed Comparison
  36. Hygenhund vs Harrier - Breed Comparison
  37. Hygenhund vs Istarski Ostrodlaki Gonic - Breed Comparison
  38. Hygenhund vs Hellenic Hound - Breed Comparison
  39. Hygenhund vs Bosnian Coarse-Haired Hound - Breed Comparison
  40. Hygenhund vs Latvian Hound - Breed Comparison
  41. Hygenhund vs Briquet Griffon Vendeen - Breed Comparison
  42. Hygenhund vs Cirneco dell'Etna - Breed Comparison
  43. Hygenhund vs Double-Nosed Andean Tiger Hound - Breed Comparison
  44. Hygenhund vs Drever - Breed Comparison
  45. Norrbottenspets vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison
  46. Polish Hound vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison
  47. Russian Harlequin Hound vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison
  48. Russian Hound vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison
  49. Sabueso Espanol vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison
  50. Schillerstovare vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison

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