Podenco Andaluz Dog Breed Information, Images, Characteristics, Health

History - Podenco Andaluz for Sale

podenco andaluz - historyThe Podenco Andaluz hails from the Andalusian region of southern Spain. It is believed that this dog is likely to have descended from the European hunting dog.

Because of the lack of distinctive characteristics, and also the similarities the dog shares with other dog breeds, the dog isn’t typically recognized in its own right. They have always been used as hunting dogs. The Andaluz is actually one of the lesser known Podencos and it isn’t recognized by the FCI.

Basic Information - Podenco Andaluz for Sale

Hound dog
Height Male:
42 - 53 cm16 - 21 inches
Height Female:
42 - 53 cm16 - 21 inches
Weight Male:
20 - 22 kg44 - 49 pounds
Weight Female:
20 - 22 kg44 - 49 pounds
Life Span:
10 - 12 Years
Litter Size:
2 - 8
Medium dog
Other Names:
Andalusian Hound
Colors Available:
plain brown, Reddish brown, patches of white
Short to medium length
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Detached, Docile, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Sweet, Territorial
Low maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:

Description - Podenco Andaluz for Sale

podenco andaluz puppy - descriptionThere are three different Andalusian Hounds - small, medium and large, but for the sake of space, we refer to the medium sized dog. The medium sized dog stands at between 42 and 53cm and weighs roughly 20 – 22kg.

The dog has short hair, large erect ears and a long tail. Regarding color, most of these dogs are a reddish brown or plain brown color with some having patches of white.


The Andaluz is a dog which is reserved with strangers, but with their owners they are loyal and loving and never aggressive. The Andaluz is considered a one-man dog but he is more than capable of showing love and affection for all members of his human family.

This dog will benefit from training and socialization as this makes him more sure of himself and more obedient. He is an intelligent dog and won’t battle to learn simple commands. You’ll find your Podenco Andaluz to be sweet, calm and gentle indoors with training. He loves to lie close up to you,preferably on the couch right next to you!

Characteristics - Podenco Andaluz for Sale

podenco andaluz dog - characteristicsThis dog has always been a hunting dog, and an excellent one at that. These days he is also a companion animal. It is very sad that these dogs have been given a cruel deal in Spain.

For those that make it into a loving home, they have proved to make excellent low maintenance dogs who are willing to provide their human family with faithful love and companionship that only a dog can provide.

Health Problems - Podenco Andaluz for Sale

podenco andaluz puppies - health problemsYour Podenco Andaluz is a robust dog breed and doesn’t battle with any health conditions. However, having said that, every dog can battle with some of the more common dog illnesses, and then your dog may well have to visit the vet.

Remember, that to give your dog the best chance, the dog should receive vaccinations to protect him from some life-threatening diseases.


This disease is brought about by the protozoan parasite Leishmania. The dog gets into trouble with this disease when sand-flies transmit parasites into the skin of the dog. The disease spreads to most organs, with kidney failure being the most common cause of death.


This is a fatal disease that is contracted through the bite of an infected mosquito. It is serious and will require veterinary intervention as its a disease that can create problems with the animal’s heart.


This is a fatal viral disease that can be passed on to your pet and affects the central nervous system. A dog with rabies is nearly always a dead dog, sadly. Symptoms include excess drooling, aggression and seizures.

Caring The Pet - Podenco Andaluz for Sale


podenco andaluz dogs - caringThis has always been a hunting dog so he is used to running long distances. He is best suited to life in the countryside as opposed to life on a small property in the city. You will certainly need to take him on walks. If you are lucky enough to live near the beach, you can take bat and ball and hit the ball hard with the beach-bat, allowing your dog to race at top speed to fetch it.


Regular brushing, at least twice a week will be required for the Podenco Andaluz. It’s a good idea to check your dog over for any odd lumps and for ticks and fleas. Keep his nails trimmed and check his ears and eyes for infection.


Every dog requires a good diet if good health and longevity are to be expected. Always check the labels of commercially manufactured dog foods to ensure that your dog gets a good dose of protein in.

The best quality foods have a good balance of vitamins and minerals in them, whereas some of the poorer quality foods have bad ingredients such as preservative, colorants and fillers.

Try and give your dog some wholesome home-made food such as boiled chicken, brown rice or pasta, sweet potatoes, spinach and carrots. Also, some raw meat occasionally will benefit your dog too, after all dogs have always been carnivores.

Comparison with other breeds

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  6. Podenco Andaluz vs Basenji - Breed Comparison
  7. Podenco Andaluz vs Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla - Breed Comparison
  8. Podenco Andaluz vs Afghan Hound - Breed Comparison
  9. Podenco Andaluz vs Hungarian Vizsla - Breed Comparison
  10. Podenco Andaluz vs Bluetick Coonhound - Breed Comparison
  11. Podenco Andaluz vs Norwegian Elkhound - Breed Comparison
  12. Podenco Andaluz vs Coonhound - Breed Comparison
  13. Podenco Andaluz vs Bavarian Mountain Hound - Breed Comparison
  14. Podenco Andaluz vs Basset Fauve de Bretagne - Breed Comparison
  15. Podenco Andaluz vs Beagle-Harrier - Breed Comparison
  16. Podenco Andaluz vs English Coonhound - Breed Comparison
  17. Podenco Andaluz vs Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie - Breed Comparison
  18. Podenco Andaluz vs Alpine Dachsbracke - Breed Comparison
  19. Podenco Andaluz vs Basset Bleu de Gascogne - Breed Comparison
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  23. Podenco Andaluz vs English Foxhound - Breed Comparison
  24. Podenco Andaluz vs Estonian Hound - Breed Comparison
  25. Podenco Andaluz vs Grand Griffon Vendeen - Breed Comparison
  26. Podenco Andaluz vs Hamiltonstovare - Breed Comparison
  27. Podenco Andaluz vs Beago - Breed Comparison
  28. Podenco Andaluz vs Kanni - Breed Comparison
  29. Podenco Andaluz vs Lithuanian Hound - Breed Comparison
  30. Podenco Andaluz vs Hungarian Hound - Breed Comparison
  31. Podenco Andaluz vs Hygenhund - Breed Comparison
  32. Podenco Andaluz vs Norrbottenspets - Breed Comparison
  33. Podenco Andaluz vs Chinese Chongqing Dog - Breed Comparison
  34. Podenco Andaluz vs Combai - Breed Comparison
  35. Podenco Andaluz vs Cretan Hound - Breed Comparison
  36. Podenco Andaluz vs Harrier - Breed Comparison
  37. Podenco Andaluz vs Istarski Ostrodlaki Gonic - Breed Comparison
  38. Podenco Andaluz vs Hellenic Hound - Breed Comparison
  39. Podenco Andaluz vs Bosnian Coarse-Haired Hound - Breed Comparison
  40. Podenco Andaluz vs Latvian Hound - Breed Comparison
  41. Podenco Andaluz vs North Country Beagle - Breed Comparison
  42. Podenco Andaluz vs Briquet Griffon Vendeen - Breed Comparison
  43. Podenco Andaluz vs Cirneco dell'Etna - Breed Comparison
  44. Podenco Andaluz vs Double-Nosed Andean Tiger Hound - Breed Comparison
  45. Podenco Andaluz vs Drever - Breed Comparison
  46. Podenco Galego vs Podenco Andaluz - Breed Comparison
  47. Polish Hound vs Podenco Andaluz - Breed Comparison
  48. Russian Harlequin Hound vs Podenco Andaluz - Breed Comparison
  49. Russian Hound vs Podenco Andaluz - Breed Comparison
  50. Sabueso Espanol vs Podenco Andaluz - Breed Comparison

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